Congratulations! You’ve finally secured your new home. All that saving, planning and packing has paid off. Hopefully, you’ll find that your new place was worth the wait! In order to celebrate your achievement and to mark this new chapter in your life, why not throw a house warming party?
Moving In Together: Six Simple Steps to Domestic Bliss
Living out of an overnight bag, food shopping for two flats and attempting to squash your entire toiletries collection onto one tiny shelf in your boyfriend’s bathroom – sound familiar? Inevitably, the endless backwards and forwards of living separately from your significant other will take its toll, and you’ll decide to take the plunge and live in an apartment that you both live in!
Continue reading “Moving In Together: Six Simple Steps to Domestic Bliss”
Moving House with Man’s Best Friend
Furniture, books, clothes etc.… All the inanimate objects we take with us when moving house don’t have any routine; they don’t complain or even notice when they’re moved into new surroundings – but the same can’t be said for our furry friends. Continue reading “Moving House with Man’s Best Friend”
7 Hacks for Moving House – Stress Free!
Honestly, moving is never going to be totally stress free (we lied in the title…)
There’s so much to think about and organise whilst being forced to deal with endless, less than helpful estate agents – not to mention the expense of it all!
Recent research by Lloyds bank revealed that collectively, UK home owners spent £6.6 billion on moving home last year; this was a 27% increase on the previous year. The average homeowner spends a hefty £8,200 on moving property, and the figures for London are even more frightening; £16000 is the average spend for a move in the Capital!
The Most Important Items to Pack when Moving House
Cleaning: It’s very tempting to start unpacking boxes immediately when you move in to your new property. The likelihood is, your new home will require a good vacuuming, dusting and a good, thorough scrubbing! Make sure floors and surfaces are clean before unpacking too many items.
Wear warm clothes: Unless you’ve pre-set the heating to be on for your arrival; it is likely that the bare house will be rather cold. Layers are a good option; you can add or remove them according to how you feel. Often, moving items and unpacking can get your heart pumping and warm you up quite quickly.
Continue reading “The Most Important Items to Pack when Moving House”