Moving House With Kids: Here’s how to make it tear-free!

Moving house is a challenge no matter the circumstance. It’s stressful and it’s hectic and demands your attention through every stage. Sound familiar? Yes, there is no escaping the fact that kids will find it a challenge too; after all, it can be a highly distressing time. They may have to bid goodbye to the friends and familiar surroundings that form their world. In some cases, it will be all they have ever known. It is important therefore, to prepare them as best you can if you are making a move. Try following these five simple steps…

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Things You Should Know Before Moving To The Country

Are you dreaming about escaping to the country, leaving behind the hustle and bustle of the city? Moving to the country definitely has its advantages. There are acres of unspoiled nature literally on your doorstep, friendly people, peace and tranquility, plenty of space for kids to play, virtually no crime and all the things you hate about living in London or other major cities.

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The Ultimate Packing Hacks

Some moving hacks go without saying, like packing the largest and heaviest items in your car first or, ensuring that fragile items are well protected to minimise the risk of them cracking when being transported. However, when it comes to packing for a house move; there are some smart hacks that only the savviest space-savers know about!

So, what are the ultimate packing hacks?

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Moving Injuries Are Not Always Innocent


Moving injuries are much more common than most people think. And what is perhaps even more important, is that they are not always innocent.  On the contrary, they can be extremely painful, while some may even require hospitalisation and a lengthy recovery.


Using removal company in London to move house, office or even abroad can result in a wide range of injuries, with some of the most commonly reported ones including:

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The Great Movie Moving Scenes

Moving day is a highly emotional moment in all our lives. And statistics show that everyone will experience at least eight house moves in their lifetime on average in Britain, according to Zoopla. With the referendum result leaving an air of change in its wake. Many remain voters on Twitter claimed they would be migrating to Australia and other parts of the world, to escape the pending doom of Brexit. And we also expect a rise in removals in the coming weeks and months as more and more people jump ship. So we thought we’d look back at the greatest removal scenes from the movies, to cheer people up and celebrate the change that moving house can bring.

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The Handy Guide to Shared Accommodation

No matter the situation, moving out of your home for the first time is always guaranteed to be a daunting, anxious and exhilarating time of your life. It is a natural step for everyone to take and the most common first move is to a shared accommodation; whether it be university or for a job in a city away from home. House sharing can be fantastic, but it’s also a stressful time if you all have a different level of ‘living’.

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4 Questions You Should Answer Before Moving House

Are you struggling to decide whether you want to move house? It’s a very tough decision, and probably a life-changing one at that. It’s not like buying a new T.V or booking a holiday, this is where you choose to live, so we understand that this can be a very daunting decision. Here are 4 quick questions that will help you be certain that moving house is the right decision for you. Continue reading “4 Questions You Should Answer Before Moving House”